samsung fastcompany vp jaeyeon jung galaxy

Samsung Fast Company VP Jaeyeon Jung – Cosmic System SmartTag and SmartThings Find

Samsung is one of the most innovative companies when it comes to technological innovation. Their design process starts with a deep dive into customer needs and market trends. Their design team uses empathy, visualization, and experimentation to help them build support for radically changing products. In this interview, Samsung fastcompany vp jaeyeon jung galaxy discusses…

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the alexa turing test fastcompany

Is the Turing Test Fast Outdated?

More than 70 years ago, computer scientist Alan Turing introduced a test to determine if a machine can exhibit conversational behavior indistinguishable from a human. Now, Amazon’s head scientist of Alexa is arguing that the test is outdated and should be retired. Prasad argues that as AI becomes more integrated into our everyday lives, people…

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